Many people have shown great interest in not only our game, but also the tools we are using to create it. And considering we are going to be putting these tools into the customers hands enabling them to create their own modifications, I thought it was about time we start giving fans a sneak peak in just how powerful and simple this toolset is to use.

Today we are releasing Part 1 of a 3 part series demonstrating scripting in levels. Part 1 covers setting up player spawn areas, monster spawns, regions where the monsters can’t spawn, triggers, and a basic trap. Part 2 and 3 will continue building on the same level, and show different and more advanced scripting techniques.

We hope people enjoy these videos and not only find them informative, but also get you excited to use the toolset for your own creations. So follow the link to Part 1, and keep an eye out for Part 2 very soon. You can discuss the video in the forums here!
