What to do with some of this fancy swag we have left over from PAX? Oh yes, it’s contest time.
Here’s the format – make a 5-10 panel comic using any action figures you want. There should be a narrative structure, but whether it’s funny, sad, or horror, is entirely up to you. Get creative and have fun! Instead of drawing the actual panel, you snap a photo. Arrange the photos with captions in an album that’s public – meaning you can send us the link and we can see it. This can be on Flickr, Facebook, your blog, or anywhere else you want to host it. Then, post the link to our Twitter feed (@RunicGames) or on the Torchlight II Facebook Wall. Use the magic phrase, “T-shirt Contest.”
Need more information? Here is the touching love story that inspired our contest: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=85058&id=1143378532
The top two winners will receive our exclusive-to-PAX and very limited run of Torchlight II T-shirts, as modeled here by Adam and Kyle. Contest closes when we find our winners! Looking forward to seeing what you create!