We're happy to announce that Torchlight II is available DRM-free with the latest Humble Indie Bundle. PC, Mac, and Linux are supported, and you can add your copy to Steam if you want to play that way!

Humble Bundle is an organization which exists to support indie game developers and charities, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play Charity. You can pay what you want, and choose exactly how your contribution is divided between developers, charities, or the Humble tip jar. In return, you get lots of awesome games! What's not to love?
To celebrate this release, tune in today between 2-3pm PDT on our Twitch channel for a special livestream playthrough with Wonder, Brian, Jason, and Sierra. We'll be giving away 50 Torchlight II keys. Let's see how far we can get in an hour! :-)
Edit: The livestream has ended. Thanks for watching! Remember, you can still head over to the Humble Bundle for the next two weeks (see the counter below) to get a deal on some great titles while supporting charitable causes