PAX East in Boston was amazing! We connected with so many of you on the East Coast, and it was awesome to put Hob in your hands and hear your feedback. We always love getting the chance to talk to you face to face, and we of course love Boston.
Those of you who stopped by the booth, thank you for playing! If you missed it, we have some photos and highlights for you here in this round-up:

What people are saying
"Hob has all the makings of a classic adventure game" – EGM
"You can easily find yourself just staring at some of the screens in HOB, lost in the detail and scope of the beauty or pushing yourself to head off the beaten path for some hidden gems and views." –
An "enchanting little adventure" – US Gamer
"I honestly loved it and can’t wait to play more" – Irrational Passions

A look at Hob
TotalBiscuit came by to play! Here's his walkthrough of the demo:
Hob Hero Pin available now!
We debuted a new Pinny Arcade collectible at PAX East, featuring the hero of Hob. They're in the merch store right now, along with the sprite pin from PAX Prime.

Playtesting opportunity – apply within!
We're looking for play testers! If you enjoy our games and want to be part of future testing opportunities, join the Runic Games Test Kitchen. All we ask for is your time to play through a demo and give us feedback.
The Runic Games Test Kitchen is open to everyone, regardless of where you live. Some play tests may require proximity to the greater Seattle area, but there will be opportunities for virtual play testing as well.
Love our games? Like having your voice heard? Join the Test Kitchen and help us cook up something awesome.

Want more Hob?
Then you need this detailed dev update from Lead Level Designer and Game Director Patrick Blank. Here's a taste:
"When we started talking about ideas for Hob, the biggest aspect that kept coming up was the world itself needed to be center stage for both gameplay and story. The main goal was for it to be something more unique, and engaging in interesting ways for the player to interact with it. Those core goals are what drove the idea of a world disheveled like a Rubik’s cube. It’s not complete, and the player needs to help fix it. It was proposed that we not only build the world around the player being able to move and transform large areas, but to also make those transformations a major part of the narrative. What that narrative is, however, is a secret for the player to discover."
Here's your Moment of Zen.
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