Hey, everybody! We're excited to announce the winners of our trophy/achievement-naming contest. We had thousands of entries from folks all over; so much that it took a lot of time to review everything! There were so many super creative ideas – it was great. Thank you all so much! So without further ado, I present our winners:

Receives: trophy/achievement name to be used in Hob, a credit in the game, a free copy of Hob, a Hero Pinny Arcade Pin, all three posters in the "Make It Home" series, and a Hob Baseball Cap
- Animal Instinct - by Elaeus via Steam Community. (#17)
Receives: a free copy of Hob, all three posters in the "Make It Home" series, a Hero Pinny Arcade Pin, and a Hob Baseball Cap
- Duck, deer! - by XaivierX via Steam Community. (#17)
Receives: one of the three "Make It Home" posters, a Hob Baseball Cap, and a Hero Patch
- Minimus Prime - by The Most Interesting Family via Steam Community. (#25)
Note: This prize was previously awarded in error.
Receives: one of the three "Make It Home" posters, and a Hero Patch
- Switch Hitter - by Phanjam via Discord. (#06)
So many amazing entries made it diffucult to pick winners, so we want to highlight a short list of our favorites:
Receives: Hero Patch
- Ephemeralization - by Xavirex via Discord, (Elohim)972 via Steam Community, and Poats via Steam Community. (#25)
- Friend Request - by increaseblue2 via Instagram. (#17)
- Hello, world! - by Loboranto via Discord. (#06)
- Found the Torch. Have a Light. - by Mardukkas via Steam Community. (#06)
- Static Shock - by Master Duelist via Steam Community. (#06)
- One Slash - by Master Duelist via Steam Community. (#02)
- Wait, there are upgrades? - by TheSerb88 via Discord. (#25)
- Make peace, not war. - by @workhousetango via Twitter. (#17)
- I did it… my way. - by Loot-aholic via Steam Community. (#25)
- Qualified cat herder. - by Ryan Wooton via Facebook. (#14)
Congrats to our winners and thanks again to everyone who submitted a suggestion. Hob will be coming out on September 26th. Pre-orer on PS4, Steam and GOG today!! :)