Welcome to the new office, baby! (cue the Guns n Roses)

Last Friday, we began the epic migration of 20-some developers and their nerd paraphernalia from one side of the street to another. Yep, we literally moved about half a block, but it took the better part of the weekend to ensure everything made it and would be up and running (mostly) by Monday.
Turning on the coffeemaker Monday morning in our new space was a singularly splendid feeling: home. Le sigh!

So why the move, why the past months of picking out carpet patterns and paint chips? Easy answer is we had to move – we were in a sublet and our time was up. The more important answer is that long-term, the space we were in was great for an unknown clutch of 17, but at 25 or so folks here now at Runic, we were literally bursting at the seams and were practically going to have to put desks in the hallway.

In our new location, not only do we have the space we need, but we also have a long-term lease, a conference room that will actually fit the art team, a game and media room (try getting away with not having this room at any other developer!) and most stupendously, a dishwasher. Do you hear angels singing? Yes, yes you do.

So naturally, we had a bit of a celebration with some microbrews, friends, dogs (not hot ones, furry ones) and a colorful cake. Don’t worry though, we put in a full day first, enabling us to bring Torchlight to Mac Steam at launch. Huzzah!

We want to thank YOU for helping us get to where we are! Here are some photos of the new office, taken by our good friend Denise Sakaki (many thanks, Denise, you rock!)